Thursday, May 7, 2009

My first blog

So, this is my first blog. My English is not the best, so please be patient when you're reading my blog. Maybe I can write something about my interests and that means what I'll write mostly about here.

I like Linux and open source idea. I'm currently running OpenSuse 11.1 with KDE 4.2 desktop environment. I've already tried few distros like famous Ubuntu or PCLinuxOS and Fedora. Every distro is unique and different in the same time. It's about personal opinion which one you like. I'm planning to try even more distros and maybe write something about my current and future experiences with it.

The second thing is the software which I work with in work - NAPA. It is actually a shortcut of "Naval Architectural PAckage". My intension is also to write some articles about this software, which I work with for 5 years. I write a macros and composing so-called manager applications within it. It is morels a programming but not the same as e.g. C++ or GUI programming. The main purpose of mentioned software is naval calculations and analysis like hydrostatics, stability, hull surface definition and its fairing, preparing of approval documentation and many more. NAPA contains many "tasks" - modules which has different purposes and are binded together. It is one of the leading software in ship design busssiness. If you want to know something more about it you can visit the web site .So, you can look forward to read something more about the topics mentioned above. I'll try to get back to writing as soon as possible. Hopefully you will like it :o)

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